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作者:北京动漫游戏产业协会   时间:   阅读:28653次

共勉之言 “天行健,君子以自强不息”,“地势坤,君子以厚德载物”—— 《周易》

The Constant Co., Ltd. is named as ”Kang Zhi Da” in Chinese which means “Healthy, Wisdom and Wealth”, and in English as well-known word “Constant”, which means perseverance.
The company has been long devoted to applications of digital arts, digital media and digital imaging technology in the field of education, as well as
artistic creation and product development, including original comics, conceptual design, 3D animation, video effects, interactive design and
computer drawing software. All these efforts are for the promotion of cultural creative industry and digital media technology.
The company lays emphasis on talent and independent intellectual property, with possession of many patents, proprietary technologies, copyrights,
certification authority, brand trademarks and similar intellectual property rights.
Team of the company advocates self-management, which means repetition of personality, encouragement of elite, attention to credit, pursuit of
efficiency, value of time and life. We believe in the importance of humanistic environment characterized as equality, openness and cooperation.



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