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      Founded in August 2009, Beijing Animation Game Industry Association is a non-profit social organization legal person, which is voluntarily initiated and established by enterprises and institutions in Beijing administrative area, which are engaged in the research, development, production and operation of comics, animation and online games in the form of comics, animation and games, using traditional and contemporary mobile communication technology and Internet technology, and has been approved and registered by Beijing social organization registration administration authority. The competent business unit of the association is Beijing Social Construction Office, the registration and management authority of the association is Beijing Civil Affairs Bureau, and the business guidance unit is Beijing Cultural Bureau.

      On the basis of abiding by the Constitution, laws, regulations and national policies, abiding by social morality, the association aims to unite enterprises, institutions and social organizations related to animation and game industry in Beijing administrative area, enhance self-discipline management of animation and game industry in Beijing, actively play the role of bridge and link between enterprises and government, deeply study new situations and new problems in the development and management of animation and game industry, guide and promote the healthy development of Beijing animation and game industry, promote exchanges between Beijing animation and game industry and other regions, and give full play to animation

       After the establishment of Beijing Animation and Game Industry Association, it takes industry representatives, industry self-discipline, industry management, industry coordination and industry service as its working objectives, and serves enterprises, government and society as its working guiding principles, and promotes the development of animation and game industry in Beijing together with enterprises.









Functions of Beijing Animation Game Industry Association

(1) to publicize and implement the government's macro-control objectives, policies and laws; Reflect the demands of the industry and members to the government and its relevant departments; Participate in the formulation of industry standards, industry development plans and industry access conditions, improve industry management and promote industry development.

 (2) to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of member units; Formulate the business code of conduct of the industry, coordinate the development and operation within the industry, give play to the role of supervision and self-discipline within the industry, and promote the orderly development of the industry.

 (3) to carry out investigation and research, collect, sort out and summarize various industry information in a timely manner; Establish the publication and official website of Beijing Animation Game Industry Association in accordance with relevant regulations; Building a public service platform for animation and game industry.

 (4) to hold various activities related to the industry, organize, recommend, commend and reward units and individuals who have created or made outstanding contributions in the animation game industry; Participate in talent rating, industry qualification certification, identification and promotion of new technologies and new products, exhibition and trading, etc.

(5) to safeguard the interests of the animation and game industry within the administrative area of Beijing, support enterprises to contact relevant international organizations, participate in international competition and explore foreign markets, and guide, standardize and supervise the foreign exchange activities of member enterprises.

(6) Organizing enterprises to learn and publicize copyright and intellectual property laws and regulations, and carry out research and exchange activities on intellectual property and copyright protection; Provide intellectual property protection and copyright legal advice to member enterprises; Contact and coordinate relevant departments to carry out anti-piracy work, safeguard the rights and interests of members, curb unfair competition and promote the healthy development of the industry.

(7) to complete the work assigned by the government.

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