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作者:   时间:2010-08-25   阅读:1049次

动产盟发【2010 】27号


电   话:01062200852

德贝维奇博士在2001年曾获ACM SIGGRAPH首位最突出研究人物奖,2005年合作出版了《高动态范围成像》专著,2007年担任了ACM SIGGRAPH计算机动画节主席,并担任了ACM SIGGRAPH执行委员。2010年2月因舞台灯光系统的卓越成就而荣获奥斯卡科学与工程奖。

ACM SIGGRAPH 2010大会盛况报告会暨SIGGRAPH2010优秀动画和电子剧场展映

ACM SIGGRAPH 2010大会盛况报告会暨SIGGRAPH2010优秀动画和电子剧场展映活动。欢迎参加!敬请预约!

From Spider-Man to Avatar: Achieving Photoreal Digital Actors
Speaker:  Dr. Paul Debevec, USC Professor, ACM SIGGRAPH EC Member, Academy Award® Winer
When:   Sept. 7th, 2010,  9:00-11:00 A.M. (including 30 minutes Q&A)
Where: Beiguo Theater at BNU, 19 Xinjiekouwai Ave. Haidian Dist. Beijing, 100875

RSVP: 010.6220.0852, SIGGRAPH_Beijing@yahoo.com.cn


Paul Debevec is a research associate professor at the University of Southern California and the associate director of graphics research at USC's Institute for Creative Technologies. Debevec's Ph.D. thesis (UC Berkeley, 1996) presented Fa?ade, an image-based modeling and rendering system for creating photoreal architectural models from photographs. Using Facade he led the creation of virtual cinematography of the Berkeley campus for his 1997 film The Campanile Movie whose techniques were used to create virtual backgrounds in The Matrix. Subsequently, Debevec pioneered high dynamic range image-based lighting techniques in his films Rendering with Natural Light (1998), Fiat Lux (1999), and The Parthenon (2004); he also leads the design of HDR Shop, the first high dynamic range image editing program. At USC ICT, Debevec has led the development of a series of Light Stage devices for capturing and simulating how objects and people reflect light, used to create photoreal digital actors in films such as Spider Man 2, Superman Returns, and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, and Avatar. He received ACM SIGGRAPH's first Significant New Researcher Award in 2001 and co-authored the 2005 book High Dynamic Range Imaging from Morgan Kaufmann; he chaired the SIGGRAPH 2007 Computer Animation Festival and serves on the ACM SIGGRAPH Executive Committee. In February 2010 he received a Scientific and Engineering Academy Award® for his work on the Light Stage systems.

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